Words of Welcome

Dear colleagues and fellow scientists,

On behalf of the Local Scientific Committee, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry during the week of August 27 to September 1, 2017 in Munich, Germany. With about 1500 registered participants from all over the world and 12 plenary, 215 invited, 136 contributed speakers, as well as over 920 posters, WATOC2017 is the largest WATOC so far.

This shows both the increasing importance of theoretical and computational chemistry across the disciplines, and the central (and easy to reach) location of Munich in the heart of Europe. We have set up an exciting program covering a wide variety of cutting edge research topics ranging from method developments to applications pushing the limits of modern theoretical and computational chemistry, biochemistry, nanotechnology, and materials sciences.

WATOC2017 is held in the city center of Munich with both plenary and parallel sessions in the Gasteig cultural center under one roof. Besides great science, we hope that you will also find some time to explore the city of Munich and its surroundings which offer fascinating possibilities for both cultural and outdoor activities.

Even though I am sure that the many excellent lectures will make it difficult to decide which of the six parallel sessions to select, I hope you will enjoy WATOC2017 and your visit to Munich, both scientifically and culturally.

Christian Ochsenfeld

Chair of Theoretical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, University of Munich (LMU)

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